April 5, 2024

The Cashmerette pattern Jenny hated

It’s confession time! Sometimes we launch Cashmerette patterns that… I kinda hate.


But let me qualify that a little. I’m not saying that the pattern is poor quality, or not something I can recommend to others. Rather, that sometimes there’s just a style that I just feel isn’t “me”. Like, I’d never wear it. And maybe (maybe) I might just be a little vocal about my… hatred, of the style.

Way back when I started Cashmerette this was a non-issue as we were starting from zero, so every pattern we launched was a style I personally loved, and would wear all the time, so I liked 100% of our patterns! But now it’s 8 years on, and we have a monthly Club, so inevitably we started broadening a little from just “what Jenny personally likes” into “what other curvy people – NOT JUST JENNY – like”. Hence, the inclusion of things like dolman sleeves (!) and even.. wait for it… drop shoulders (!!!).

So, when the Cashmerette team started enthusiastically advocating for a camp collar shirt during one of our pattern brainstorming sessions, it went something like this*

*fictionalized account

Jenny: OK, I like the idea of doing another shirt. What haven’t we done before that would be different? What’s on trend?

Ayelet: How about a camp collar shirt? I love those!


Ayelet: Jenny, calm down, it’s just a camp collar

Jenny (wipes sweat from brow): But Ayelet, I HATE THAT STYLE. I will look like a mechanic! Or a diner waitress! Which is theoretically fine but NOT FOR ME.

Jen: They’re pretty popular now, lots of people love them


Jen: And if we design it we can make it look good on big boobs


Ayelet: (does a little victory dance).

And now for the big reveal. Even though I *very much* did not like the samples of the Cashmerette Club Haskell Shirt during the development process (it’s astonishing how much bad muslin fabric can influence your feelings), once I actually made one in fabric I liked and styled it in a way I prefer… yes, dear reader, I actually like it.

Cashmerette Club Haskell Shirt

What has this taught me? Well, first up, we should indeed continue to design things that aren’t my style because lots of other people do like them, and we can’t all dress like Jenny Rushmore. But also, that sometimes it’s just that OTHER forms of a certain style never suited me – either because Ready to Wear never fits me properly, or other sewing  patterns weren’t designed for my boobs. Take back control of the fabric and the drafting though and… I can surprise myself!

Cashmerette Club Haskell Shirt

You want deets on the shirt? Ok. So I used my long-hoarded dark navy/cream gingham double gauze that I got in Japan a long time ago. It takes full advantage of the double-gauziness by having different scales of gingham on either side! I always feel like colour-blocking and print mixing decisions toe a fine line between ultra cool and not cool at all, but it felt a little safer when the only thing is the scale of the squares, so I decided to use the larger gingham as the “main” shirt, and then the smaller gingham for the cuffs and back yoke (which also forms part of the sleeve).

I left off the breast pocket(s) because while I have come to terms with camp collar shirts, apparently more therapy is required before I can accept breast pockets into my life.

Cashmerette Club Haskell Shirt

Wearing it tied was definitely the styling choice for me that took it from “meh” to “huh, this is actually kinda chic”, although I reluctantly admit that maybe I don’t think it looks so bad untied either… I paired it with my trusty Calder Pants and my new sandals from Reef.

Cashmerette Club Haskell Shirt

If you’re thinking “huh, that doesn’t look like Boston in Feburary”, then well done my eagle eyed reader, it is in fact the Caribbean. Highly recommended, except for Providenciales airport which is the third circle of hell, 0/10 would not recommend.

Cashmerette Club Haskell Shirt

Thank you for coming on this emotional rollercoaster with me, as I confronted my fear of camp collar shirts and triumphed. Whatever next?!

If you’re ready to try a camp collar shirt, the Haskell comes in sizes 0-32 and cup sizes C-H and is available exclusively to Cashmerette Club members. Not a member yet? Join today for as little as $9 (cancel anytime).

(Joining after April 2024? You’ll need to sign up at the All Access level to get the Haskell Shirt.)

13 thoughts on “The Cashmerette pattern Jenny hated

  1. Kay says:

    I would totally buy this shirt!! This particular style is something that I have been looking forward for a long time, from Cashmerette…. as I find that with big boobs, shirts that have separate sleeves dont work well, it accentuates the huge boob issue… these cut on sleeves make me look like I have smaller boobs. Plus it is avery modern stylish cut that also goes with a lot of bottoms.

    Now, because it is released as a club patetrn, I can’t buy this. I’m not a plus sized person who is the main audience for the club. Can you consider releasing this as a regular pattern (non-club)?

    1. Chris Schwab says:

      You can subscribe for a single month, THIS month, and get this pattern…no need to take a whole year. But like most commercial statements, you have to act fast

  2. Kay says:

    Duh! Please excuse me… I just saw this -> The Haskell comes in sizes 0-32 and is available exclusively to Cashmerette Club members. Not a member yet? Join today for as little as $9 (cancel anytime). and it’s an April month pattern. So I guess, if I join this month, I get this pattern.

    1. That’s correct! You have until the end of April

  3. Karen Teel says:

    OK, this is a must-have pattern. But……you really need to tell me about the shoes.

    1. They are Keen sandals 🙂

  4. Beverly says:

    I love this shirt and I think it looks great on Jenny! I’ve downloaded the pattern and watched the sew-a-long. I have to finish with my sloper first before attempting the Haskell. I have some special madras plaid just waiting for the perfect garment and I think the Haskell is it!

  5. Diana Steiner says:

    Totally cute! I, too, am completely anti-boob pocket. Just waiting for school to be over (32 more days, but who’s counting? Me! I count! It’s always me) so I can sew myself a new wardrobe. So tired of all of my things right now. I need a refresh. The Club Warddrobe it is!

  6. Gaye Williams says:

    It looks fab… now I think you need to reconsider boilersuits! I know it’s a no, but a Cashmerette Boilersuit would be amazing x

  7. Frau Leo says:

    It looks fantastic on you and I may just copy you and get myself some double sided gingham fabric (I loved the Franconcia dress you wear on the the pattern photos!).

  8. Pam says:

    Those of us with short thick necks adore camp shirt collars. Collars on a (shudder) stand are too constricting and make my short neck look shorter still. Thanks for this option.

  9. Andrea Reed says:

    I’m with Jenny on the breast pockets (and the drop shoulder too, lol). But the Haskell shirt is super cute, and will be my next project.

  10. Judi says:

    OMG! I only recently found you and your site Jenny, and can honestly say that I absolutely LOVE this shirt on you, it looks amazing! As for your having big boobs, where are they? They really aren’t even noticeable in this top, you look TERRIFIC, and SO stylish!! I also love the fabric you chose.

Let me know what you think!