March 2, 2014

If it’s worth doing once….

… it’s another maxi!

This one was a long time coming – in fact, I bought the fabric from Britex in San Francisco a few years ago.  At the time I was still mightily intimidated by fabric stores, so I skulked up to the remnants floor in the attic, and lo and behold the most wonderful stripy rayon emerged! It’s been sitting in my stash ever since as it wasn’t weather-appropriate.. thank goodness for mid-winter vacations.

This time, I used the waistband of my TNT Simplicity 2343, and self-drafted the skirt. I measured the widest point of my hips (while sitting down – very important for we ladies who spread), added 5 inches of ease, and cut a rectangle that size. Side benefit of no side seams: no stripe matching!

Then, I fit the top to the waistband by making four inverted pleats. I must say, this didn’t 100% work out – it’s slightly too tight at the top – so I think I will be re-doing the top using tucks instead which can spread out when I move about. At the back, a trusty invisible zipper (confession: I’ve never done any other type…).

I also made a total rookie error of making myself a long tubular skirt.. that I couldn’t walk in. Luckily, an easy fix – I made a 12 inch finished slit up the back, and voila! Walking.

The top is made out of purple stable jersey also from Britex, and it’s another trusty Renfrew – can’t go wrong! I did my vertical-only FBA again, and I finished it with Liberty fabric bias (a Christmas present from my Mum) on the inside… lovely. 
I ended up wearing it on a windy day, giving me a delightfully swishy first wear… In order to retain the memory of sun and sand for as long as possible, I leave you with a few more photos:

So, when are you going to start sewing for the spring and summer, dear readers? 
Nicole at The Somnolent Daschund (how’s that for a cool name?!) kindly nominated me for a Liebster Award, which is for small blogs (with under 200 followers) to help everyone find blogs they wouldn’t normally have come across. Thanks, Nicole!
So the format is, I answer 5 questions given to me by Nicole and share 5 facts, and then I nominate 5 others. 
1. Play by the rules or rebel? I feel boring writing this, but I think I’m more of a by the rules girl! That said, once I properly know the rules, sometimes I do go rogue…
2. Biggest influence on me today? I think all the lovely sewing bloggers that I follow – there’s so much inspiration out there, and it just makes me want to get better and do more!
3. Guilty pleasure? Scandal. Do I really need to explain any more? No.
4. Advice to my past self? Start sewing earlier! Why did you wait until you turned 30, fool?!
5. Favourite food? Agh, there are too many. I’m a big fan of Middle Eastern, Japanese, Indian, Korean, Mexican, Chinese… ok, everything. Food. 
And 5 random facts:
1. I have a black belt in Karate. It’s true.
2. During the day I attempt to save the world.
3. I’ve lived in 9 different countries
4. My best nicknames are Jenstar and Jennington
5. I have the same full bust measurement as Mary at Idle Fancy ๐Ÿ™‚
My nominations for a Liebster are some of my fave curvy bloggers (represent!)
– Tanya at Mrs Hughes 
– GMarie at GMarieSews
– Laurwyn at QuirkyPrettyCute
– Vicki Kate at VickiKateMakes
The 5 questions for you are:
– When did you start sewing, and why?
– What’s your favourite fabric store?
– What’s the one thing you want to sew but are secretly afraid to start?
– What’s your favourite TNT pattern?
– What’s your sewing motto?
Looking forward to seeing your answers!

22 thoughts on “If it’s worth doing once….

  1. tanyamaile says:

    Thanks, Jenny! I love your maxi skirt! It’s so bright and colorful! I’ve already started on my spring/summer clothes. I had all of these winter plans but winter never seemed to arrive here in CA, so I never got into it. And now it’s time for thinking about warmer weather! Thanks again for nominating me! Time to blog my own!!!

    1. Jenny says:

      Thanks! Though I’m jealous of your winter never arriving ๐Ÿ™‚ Looking forward to seeing your answers to the questions!

  2. Katy Patzel says:

    Congrats girl! I shall make sure not to piss you off since you have a black belt!?! That is crazy. And another maxi that is making me drool. Are you back in Boston yet?

    1. Jenny says:

      Ha ha yeah, if you cross me and the good scissors at Crafty Foxes, I’m coming for you! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Believe it or not I am now in London and will be in Berlin next, and then my parents are in Boston… but in 3 weeks time I shall return to see you ladies!

  3. oonaballoona says:

    when i saw this earlier, i actually mentally scanned my stash to see if i could make Brain copy you.

    1. Jenny says:

      Totally justifies an immediate trip to San Francisco to check out the Britex remnant floor. I’m sure Ruggy will understand.

  4. Erika A says:

    I’ve never even thought to measure my hips when I’m sitting! That is genius. And I definitely laughed myself right my seat at the “spread” description. That is definitely exactly what I do when sitting!

    1. Jenny says:

      Yeah I can’t remember where I first read this tip but it works a treat! Particularly important for pencil skirts and whatnot…

  5. This is beyond cute, Jenny! I can’t decide which is more genius – cutting it in one piece to avoid stripe matching, or measuring your sitting hips. I’m using both of those tips for my first maxi!

    Also, 46” high five! Thanks for the inclusion in your random facts, friend. I’m in awe of that black belt, by the way! So impressive.

    1. Jenny says:

      Thanks Mary! It’s not weird at all to reference someone else’s bust measurement, right?!?

  6. Stripes can never be wrong. Ever. Lovely!

    1. Jenny says:

      I agree! Thanks!

  7. Vicki Kate says:

    What a lovely dress, and thank you for the nomination!

    1. Jenny says:

      Thanks, and you’re welcome!

  8. Gail says:

    Your whole ensemble is just lovely – absolutely perfect for the location in which you modeled it. One day – maybe not soon, but one day – it will be summer again and you should wear this one a lot! You look great in a maxi!

    1. Jenny says:

      Thanks Gail! I’m obsessed with the whole maxi look… I just ordered the new Gabriola from Sewaholic and now I need to find something floaty to make it in!

  9. Marjie says:

    I really love how the purple top matches the skirt. Sometimes the finds in our stashes are just priceless! (I am envious that you had a mid winter vacation; I’m so tired of cold weather and snow.)

  10. Laurwyn says:

    Thanks for your nomination. I need to make some time to blog about it!
    You’re so lucky to have taken a sun vacation! It looks awesome there.
    I also really like the dress. It is colorful, girly and comfy. I really like the proportions of the stripes!

  11. Jeez Louise! I find your blog earlier today through Caroline ‘s Tank Dress testing and now I find you again, this time through Britex’s Facebook. I agree with all on the sheer genius of this all. Just brilliant.

    1. Jenny says:

      Ha ha thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Let me know what you think!