February 5, 2015

Lacy Linden

Turns out it’s lace week at Cashmerette towers!
Rather like with my True Bias Hudson pants, I initially assumed I wouldn’t fit in Grainline Studio’s new Linden sweatshirt because my bust is quite a way outside the size 18. But yet again I was wrong: this time, for not realizing there’s a lot of ease in a loose sweatshirt pattern (d’oh).
And here she is:
Grainline Studio Linden plus size
Dear bloglesss Tall Sarah (sadly now ensconced in the south) made a lace-front sweatshirt a while ago and every time she turned up to Crafty Foxes wearing it I would go into paroxysms of love. So when Katy was getting rid of some of her stash (because she’s also leaving! ย The world is crashing by my ears!) I snapped up her cream rose lace between my sobs and decided to make myself a lace-front Linden.

I paired the lace with a grey/lavender bamboo terry from Grey’s Fabrics (still available!) – it’s slinky and soft, though maybe a touch too light for this type of top. I bought 2 yards, following the pattern guide, but actually struggled to fit everything in and had to cut the sleeves on the cross-grain.. just a note to maybe slightly over-buy if you’re doing the larger sizes. Pattern-wise I made a straight 18, but I found that the sleeves were way too big, so I took them in by 2 inches, going up to 3 inches at the underarm.

Attaching the lace to the front was easy: I just cut two “front” pieces, one in the terry and one in the lace. Placed the lace on top of the terry and handbasted the two together with silk thread, and then just sewed it up as usual. It looks a lot more fiddly than it is!
Grainline Studio Linden plus size

I’m a bit on the fence about the final product. I was hesitant to make a raglan sleeve top as I don’t think they look the best on someone with my size chest, but that said, it’s actually much better than I thought it would be. I think I should probably alter the front raglan seam a bit, but that’s a totally new alteration to me so I’ll have to do a bit of research. However it is super snuggly and practical so I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this turns into a regular wear for me!

Grainline Studio Linden plus size

One final thing to note – the neckline on the 18 appears to be considerably more scooped than on the technical drawing and the smaller sizes. That was great for me as sI was planning on scooping it out anyway, but something to bear in mind if you’re after a higher necked look.

Grainline Studio Linden plus size
I’ve gone from having no lace-related garments to two in a week! Is this the start of a new trend? Have you made a Linden yet? Or are you participating in #lindenswap being led by trendster Carrie at Oh She Dabbles and We The Sewing? It’s such a fun idea!

34 thoughts on “Lacy Linden

  1. Gail says:

    Sigh – so pretty! I think I’ll get out one of my Lindens to wear today ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. lisa g. says:

    Such a pretty fabric combo! I have plans to do the exact same thing with some sweatshirt knit I have… just waiting on the right lace!

    1. Jenny says:

      It’s remarkably easy – I was surprised!

  3. Neufy says:

    . What I see is that just across the upper chest that the shirt is a bit big at the armhole.

    My fix….at the front armhole of the bodice, I go down at least one size. Then add that amount back to the front armhole of the sleeve. Quick and dirty

    1. Jenny says:

      I actually already took 3 inches out at the armhole! I struggle a bit between accepting it’s meant to be a very loose fit and wondering if I should adjust or not…

  4. Neufy says:

    Oh, and very pretty. Such a feminine take on a sweatshirt!

  5. V says:

    So cute and it looks great on you! I never thought about doing a lace front sweatshirt. D’oh! I’m not a huge fan of the raglan sleeves. Is it a busty thing? I feel like they sit funny against the girls and I spend the day fiddling with the seams until everything hangs all wonky.

    1. Jenny says:

      Yeah they sit weird on me too – it constantly slips backwards, I think because of the bust!

    2. Gillian says:

      I have shirts slip backwards too – I wonder why that is? I’m not teeny on top, but I’m not seriously busty either… Why, shirts, why?
      (And Jenny, your top looks great!)

    3. Jenny says:

      I think I read somewhere it’s a combo of needing an FBA and some sort of shoulder adjustment…

      1. Pauline Wright says:

        Think that would be a forward shoulder

  6. Lou says:

    Oooooh I love these fabric choices, the lavender and lace is just so cute!!! I love the smart sweater thing….

  7. Sylvie says:

    I don’t see, visually, where the question on the raglan seams comes in. I think they look totally normal! Maybe it’s just a personal preference thing, but I’ve never thought “omg, that girl is waaaaay too busty to wear those raglan lines!” ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, the Linden swap is such a cool idea!!

    1. Jenny says:

      It’s because I get a lot of bunching at the armpits – like, much more than if my bust was smaller. I already took out 3 inches from each armpit and it’s still doing it!

  8. This is sooooooo cute! I don’t see the problem with the raglan sleeve, but maybe it’s something you just feel? I like it on you!

  9. So pretty! I love that feminine take on a sweatshirt.

    1. Jenny says:

      Thanks Nathalie! I’m not a big fan of sportwear so this is about as sporty as I get!

  10. Laura (lap) says:

    I love this so much! I have always loved raglan sleeves for my bust, but I have weirdly small shoulders so I can otherwise size down, so maybe that’s it. In any case, I need a version of this.

    1. Jenny says:

      You should do it! Very quick and easy to make.

  11. Lovely!

    I’ve made a Linden in the same grey terry (from the same store.) I’m going to make another terry Linden tonight, but black.

    I need to return to Grey’s for more terry. I want to make Mabels and Hudsons to go with my Lindens.

    1. Jenny says:

      Yes they have all sorts of good terry! For Hudsons I really recommend Emma One Sock’s 4 way rayon ponte too

  12. Kat says:

    How awesome is this! I love sweaters with a little added interest. It’s sad when friends move but a bonus when you get to shop their stash.

    1. Jenny says:

      Indeed, it’s the only upside! Luckily Katy’s not gone too far.

  13. Heather says:

    So cute! I’ve been thinking of doing a lacy version of this sweatshirt, and you’re really not helping here. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ve made it up twice now, and absolutely adore both versions – so much so that I only reach for something else to wear when my Lindens should obviously be in the laundry basket (and even then…). I need at least 4 more of them!

    The Linden Swap is such a cute idea! Also cute is the fact that she made up Lindens for her entire sewing class. lol!

    1. Heather says:

      Oh man, hit publish before I got back to gushing over your top! I really like that you just did the lace in the front. Neat idea that I hadn’t considered. I’m getting some weird wrinkles at the underarm too, but I figure that this is supposed to be a big oversized comfy sweater, so that’s going to be par for the course (and has nothing to do with my laziness at all!). That said, I’m not seeing a lot of issues in your pics above, but that mine didn’t show much problems either despite them being there.

      I’m sorry about the babble, I just really love this pattern for some ridiculous reason and get so excited about everyone’s versions that are popping up! Yours is so cute with the cream lace and grey. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. tanyamaile says:

    I like these raglan sleeves on you. It looks like a super comfy top with the added femininity of the lace. You’re taking lace in a different direction than I would ever thought of!

    1. Jenny says:

      Thanks, Tanya! I’m not a lacy lady usually but maybe I’m slowly converting…

  15. Katy Patzel says:

    I think this looks mighty fine on you girl. I believe you will have to rethink your raglan policy.

  16. Kristeni says:

    This top is so adorable!! I’ve been wanted to make one myself as well. I’m curious, did you use stretch lace?

  17. Pauline Wright says:

    Looks good Jenny. What is the finished biceps measurement (from the pattern) before you ‘trimmed’ it to suit. I’m always looking for patterns that I don’t need to muck about! Hence liking Cashmerette’s!
    Presuming you didn’t do a FBA on this?

Let me know what you think!