When you’re learning to sew, the best thing you can do is practice, practice, practice! So we’ve made a free downloadable, printable sewing template to help you master straight and curved seams.
Sewing is all about joining pieces of fabric together. But if you’re new to using a sewing machine, you’ll want to practice a bit first. Think of it as learning to drive a car: you want to circle around the parking lot a few times before jumping on the highway.
So we’ve created a free printable sewing template to help you practice stitching. You can practice sewing (with no thread in the needle) directly through the paper template along the lines to help get used to using your machine. Just be sure to change your needle before you start your project, because paper can dull the needle.
Want to learn more about sewing your own clothes? Check out my new book, “Sewing the Curve: Learn How to Sew Clothes to Boost Your Wardrobe and Your Confidence.”