Notice something, dear readers?No?Really?!Oh, you're just teasing me. Yeah, the blog's looking good! All thanks to the highly talented Trina Moore of Pish and Posh Designs, who charges (crazily) reasonable rates for super custom...
Hello funsters! Well, coat-making is coming along apace - many seams have been sewn, in anticipation of my new gravity feed iron being installed. Which, thanks to an old Hungarian Ron Swanson-a-like, was done...
Happy new crafternoon year! The Greater Boston Area breathed a sigh of relief as the year finally got off to a start with the first crafternoon of the season.Emulating the great sock monkey crafternoon...
Muslin made, the real work begins!There are five fabrics in my coat. Starting at the top, it's the Marc Jacobs boucle coating, silver Kasha lining (satin on one side, thin fleece on the other),...
Last year, the Cashmerettes became divided by an entire state, with only the I-90 to connect them, but this weekend marked a triumphal reunion! And my newest make - a stripy Renfrew - made...
Aaaaannnd the final major Christmas sewing project! Another set of Figgy's dresses for my honorary kids on the West Coast. I decided to try to make some fun and festive dresses for the holiday...
The final family Christmas present was a tie for Dad. The hardest part of tie making is finding good fabric - you need to buy special tie silk (which so far I've only found...