Where's all the snow gone?!Fear not, Boston hasn't suddenly become tropical (if only). No, five work snow days into 2014 and we're fully braced for more. I, however, escaped for a long weekend to...
I often surprise myself with this sewing malarkey.
People ask me if I've been sewing since I was a kid: alas not, I'm the product of a not-particularly-crafty (but lovely!) family and a former boys-only...
Hello dear ones!As regular readers will be undoubtedly aware, I wear and make a lot of wrap dresses. Like, really, a lot.In order to spread my wrappy love with the world, I've started up...
Well, this was definitely my biggest learning experience to date. I researched and thought about this project constantly since December (not *so* great for my grad school work... oops), and I learned a lot...
Oh. My. Goodness. Me. I made a coat!WHA?!It's true, ladies and gents, it's a real thing! From its humble beginnings back in December, through long hours of reading every blog post ever written on...
After a final push last night, the coat is ever-so-nearly-there. Just a few things to do - massive pressing session, put in some hem weights, tacking the hem up, reduce the sleeve lining length...
It's been a busy, busy weekend. What with Boden sample sale shopping, thesis-writing, coat making and this "sporty-bowl" thing, it's flown by.But the good news is, the coat is starting to look like a...