September 8, 2021

Fabric Requirements for patterns from “Ahead of the Curve”

Are you excited to get your copy of my forthcoming book “Ahead of the Curve: Learn to Fit and Sew Amazing Clothes for your Curves”? It launches October 14 in the UK and November 9 in the US, and you can pre-order now directly from us,  at or your local bookseller.

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We’ve heard from a bunch of people that they want to get fabric in advance of the launch so they’re ready to get fitting and sewing straight away, so here are the fabric types and requirements tables for all the patterns in the book.

Honeybourne Dress

Kersoe Top

Stanway T-Shirt

Foxhill Dress

Magna Pants

15 thoughts on “Fabric Requirements for patterns from “Ahead of the Curve”

  1. Frau Leo says:

    Thank you, this is really useful! Could you share the size measurement chart as well? Or do US sizes correspond to the usual Cashmerette sizes?
    Thanks, Andrea
    PS: Not long to go now! 😀

    1. They’re the same as usual Cashmerette sizes!

  2. Pal K says:

    Thank you thank you thank you
    This is the perfect post to get me even more excited
    After all these years of sewing-I have decided that the important information to look at first is a Line drawing, fabric requirement, is it for knit or woven, and the pattern company’s “record” (aesthetic and fit)
    Then, I look at the styled photos
    Big problem is I picked up some beautiful material (total impulse buy) for a skirt, pants and top…and I really want those Magna pants now.

  3. Linda K says:

    The tables say the Kersoe Top needs more fabric than the Foxhill Dress – is this right?

    1. The Foxhill Dress requires more fabric than the Kersoe Top for all except the smallest sizes, in the 45″/115cm fabric, which is due to the nature of the layout (and bear in mind the Kersoe has a lining too).

  4. E says:

    Can you give us a stretch percentage for the knits? And thanks for getting this info out to us!!

    1. For the Stanway it’s 25% and for the Foxhill it’s 40%

      1. E says:

        Thank you so much! Very excited and looking forward to getting my hands on the book!

  5. May C. says:

    This is a lovely collection! I’m thinking that the Honeybourne dress in a silk fabric would be perfect for a wedding! The Kersoe top is exactly what I need to wear under jackets. I have a scar on my back and was wondering if the back neckline could be raised.

  6. Tisha says:

    Can you purchase just the patterns without the book?

    1. Ayelet says:

      Hi Tisha, the patterns will not be available individually or without the book.

      -Ayelet at Cashmerette

  7. Claire says:

    Hi Jenny
    A couple of the patterns suggest Rayon – is this the same as viscose? Is there a particular weight (light or medium) which you would suggest?
    Just 2 weeks to wait now – buying my fabric!

    1. Hi Claire – yes it’s effectively the same thing!

  8. Christy says:

    Hello fellow Cashmerettes!

    I received an email from Amazon that the new estimated delivery date for Ahead of the Curve is November 9 (rather than 11/9/2021 being the release date)! Squeeeeeee! I’m so looking forward to receiving it! Thank you, Jenny, for writing it. Your fresh take on body positivity means so much to me and to future generations of young women.

Let me know what you think!