UPDATE: The application for testing is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
We’re looking to expand and diversify our pattern tester pool! Apply by Friday, September 4, 2020 to be a paid pattern tester for Cashmerette in sizes 0-32 and cup sizes C-H.
As we recently announced, we’re expanding our size range to sizes 0-32 and cup sizes C-H. (Read more about that here.) We’re looking for sewists of all skill levels to test our patterns in all sizes. Pattern testers provide invaluable feedback during the pattern development process, and they’re a big reason why our patterns work so well for sewist right out of the envelope.
What is pattern testing?
Here’s how pattern testing works for Cashmerette: during our pattern development process, we reach out to a selection of people from our pattern testing pool to see if they’re interested in testing the pattern (we share details of the pattern so you can decide if you want to make it). We send you the PDF (print at home and copyshop when requested) and instructions, and typically give 2 – 3 weeks for testing, including at least 2 weekends. In return, we ask you to send back detailed feedback and photos. We don’t require professional or amazingly staged photos, because the point of testing is to learn and adapt, and often the pattern will visibly change before it’s launched. Of course, if you want to post about your final garment once it’s launched you can, but it isn’t a requirement as a tester. We accept testers of all sewing levels (with the exception of advanced patterns where we will need more confident sewists), as it’s important we know how people of all sewing abilities find our patterns.
Paid pattern testing
Going forward, our testers will be financially compensated each time they test for us. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, they’ll receive $50, $75, or $100 USD paid to them via PayPal. Additionally, testers get a free copy of the final pattern once it’s completed and printed. We decided to move to this paid model as we realized our previous system wasn’t including sewists without the resources to pay for fabric for a test, and as inclusion is a core value for us at Cashmerette, we knew we had to make the change.
We are so grateful for to the wonderful sewists who have tested for us before! At our last testing call, we didn’t ask much information about the sewists, and we don’t know how diverse our testing pool is currently. We’re eager to make sure a wide range of voices and perspectives are included in our pattern tests, so to that end, we’re asking all interested sewists to fill out our new application (even if you’ve applied to test with us before), which includes optional demographic questions.
Being a pattern tester is a unique experience that allows you to see behind the scenes of a pattern company, and to be involved in shaping the patterns that are shared with the world. You’ll be the first to know about upcoming patterns, and there is never any obligation to take blog-worthy photos of finished garments to share on social media.
Paying testers is a wonderful idea and a great corporate value.
What a lovely thoughtful and inclusive pattern company you are
Dónde puedo conseguir los moldes 30-32.
Me encantan un montón de modelos y quisiera hacérmelos.
Gracias por tenernos en cuenta a las que no somos Barbis
What a thoughtful company