July 3, 2019

Holyoke Maxi Dress and Skirt Sewalong: Day 2

Welcome back to our Holyoke Maxi Dress & Skirt sewalong! Last time, we assembled the front and back bodices; today we’re going to be sewing up the front and back skirt of our Holyoke Dress.

(Just joining us? We’re glad to have you! Catch up on everything you missed here.)

Ok, here we go! Let’s start with the front skirt.

We’re going to start by pinning the skirt side front to the skirt center front, matching the notches.

Let’s sew that seam at our 1/2” (12 mm) seam allowance, finish the seam allowance and then press toward center.

Now let’s take one of our pockets. We’re going to pin it to the skirt side front, lining it up with the two notches on the side seam. Let’s sew that seam at 1/4” (6 mm).

Finish the seam allowance for only that section that you just sewed, then flip the pocket over the seam allowance and press.

Finally, we’re going to understitch the seam allowance to the pocket at 1/8” (3 mm) from the seam.

Ta da! One of our skirt fronts is complete. (That was fast!)

Now let’s do the same thing with the other skirt front.

Look at you, you sewing machine! But we’re not done yet—time to work on the back skirt.

Start by pinning one of the skirt side backs to the skirt center back.

Let’s sew that seam, finish it, and press towards center.

We’re going to do the same thing with the other side of the back skirt.

Now let’s attach our pockets the way we did on the front skirt.

Woohoo! The front and back skirts are fully assembled, and next time we’ll be ready to begin attaching them to the bodice.

We want to see your creations, whatever stage of the process you’re at! Tag your makes with #HolyokeDress or #HolyokeSkirt on social media so we (and the whole sewing community) can cheer you on to the finish line!

2 thoughts on “Holyoke Maxi Dress and Skirt Sewalong: Day 2

  1. Peggy A. Riordan says:

    I’m so happy that you are using the main fabric for the pockets as well. It makes me crazy when a pattern calls for muslin or another different fabric for the pockets.

  2. Anna Krista says:

    I was convinced this wouldn’t work on my body… but seeing the ones on Instagram (and this wonderful cheerful yellow sewalong version!) has made me decide to make a muslin and try it out.

Let me know what you think!