December 30, 2016

Your Cashmerette makes! Holiday Roundup

If there’s one thing that brings a smile to my face, it’s seeing women around the world wearing their Cashmerette Patterns garments – and it’s been doubly fun seeing all your creative and beautiful makes for the holidays!

Cashmerette Patterns

Let’s kick it off with three gorgeous Upton dresses: Tanya in lovely sateen, Pearl used a border print to absolutely wonderful effect, and Sumiko used metallic Cotton+Steel cotton to make a fabulous maxi version.

Cashmerette Patterns

Next up, the Turner Dresses. Andie whipped hers up in an hour (!!!!) for Xmas lunch, adapting it by using a scoop neckline and neckband (want to alter your Turner neckline? Here’s a tutorial). Laura used a stretch burgundy velvet to make a super festive dress, and Kenna hacked hers to make a cross-over bodice.

Cashmerette Patterns

Hannah made not one, not two, but three Cashmerette dresses for the holidays! Here’s her burgundy Turner Dress. Laura made a beautiful purple Upton dress, which goes fantastically with her cardi. And Margo made this novelty Christmas Harrison Shirt to entertain her grandkids – and reports back that it did!

Cashmerette PatternsHere’s another one of Hannah’s lovely makes – it’s an Appleton Dress, and it’s actually her first ever hand-made dress, if you can believe it! Mary Alice wore her maxified Appleton and is looking gorgeous as always. And Katie made a really creative Concord T-shirt hack for a totally different look – so clever!


And finally, I wore Cashmerette too. My black polka dot Turner Dress, which is probably my favourite thing I made all year. We still also have a handful of kits left, if you’re interested in making your own.

Happy holidays from Cashmerette Towers! Did you wear Cashmerette for the holidays? I’d love to see what you made.

8 thoughts on “Your Cashmerette makes! Holiday Roundup

  1. PsychicKathleen says:

    Lots of inspiration here! It’s always fun to see all the different things people are doing with the same pattern especially all at once 🙂 Happy Holidays to everyone at Cashmerette and all the best for 2017. I look forward to seeing what comes next!

  2. This is so inspiring. Any chance to link to Katie’s great Concord hack?

  3. Marianne says:

    I did wear Cashmerette for the holidays, but not in the way I had planned. I got the flu on Boxing Day and spent way too much time in my Concord hack nightie!

  4. Sarah De Visser says:

    We do casual Christmas everything so I have been living in my hacked Concord sweater for weeks. Love it!

  5. Beckie says:

    Does Kenna blog? Her shape is so similar to mine, I’d love to snoop on other things she’s made!

    1. I don’t think so unfortunately but she’s a member of the Curvy Sewing Collective Community Facebook page where she often posts!

      1. Beckie says:

        Great! Thanks so much!

  6. Sumiko says:

    So many gorgeous dresses!

Let me know what you think!