December 22, 2014

The *deep sighs* of 2014

Well they can’t all be successes! Trying new things and taking risks is the only way to improve, but it also inevitably means some garments don’t come out quite as planned… Here are the three big projects I did this year that were challenging.

Let’s start with my (infamous) green simplicity coat.. Ah, where to start? I learned not to automatically block fuse coating (and maybe never to do it for cashmere), to always muslin if you’re making even small changes to a design, and that it’s pretty darned difficult to make a bright, bold, smooth fabric look perfect.

All that said: I have a recovery plan! I have a lovely fur collar, so what I need to do now is remove the standing collar, nip it in more at the waist and hip, and then figure out a way to attach the collar. I’m pretty confident the coat will look good then… Cross your fingers for me.

Next up, a “blah” knit dress: the StyleArc Jessica. It’s not awful, but it’s also not great – I had to adjust the pattern a lot to stop it looking totally terrible, and the instructions were very odd and partial. This has ended up being a wadder, as I’m not going to wear something I don’t like when I have so many other better options!

And finally, my Closet Case Files Bombshell. Oh, how I loved this swimsuit! It’s super flattering (after I graded it up – tutorial here), and the fabric was super cute. Alas, the fabric was also shoddy – the dye started running even before I wore it. And then as soon as it was on me, I had blue dye smearing across my legs. Girl Charlee eventually gave me a refund after I agreed to send the suit back to them, but it was really sad to not be able to wear it for the summer. Next year I’ll be making one with better quality fabric!

So there we have it: a year with a couple of “learning experiences” shall we say. However, the general ratio of good to bad was pretty good, so I’m not complaining. Did you have any wadders in 2014? Will you be attempting to recover them, or are you once and done?

23 thoughts on “The *deep sighs* of 2014

  1. Annamari says:

    If my “learning experiences” would look like these, I would be the happiest person in the world ๐Ÿ˜€ they are all good! (that coat… ohhh)

    1. Jenny says:

      Ha ha, well I must say that every year my disasters get… different. I’m aiming higher now, so in a way the mistakes are bigger, but on the other hand I don’t’ make quite so many simple errors. But hey, now I say that I probably will ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Madalynne says:

    That coat is a labor of love and I LOVED following along as you made it (and are still making it). On my end, it ain’t that bad at all!

    I had wanders as well. Rather than trying to resurrect them, I’m moving on. You live, you learn and you make more garments!

    1. Jenny says:

      Hopefully once I make those changes it’ll actually be good!

  3. Carla Keahey says:

    Oh yes. My bombshell was a little depressing as well. When I wriggled into it, I could hear the seams ripping. Eek! I plan to make another in 2015 now that I own a serger!

    1. Jenny says:

      Oh no! That happened to me too on my muslin until I realized I hadn’t graded the hips right ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope your effort next year is a hit!

  4. Michelle says:

    The only year in recent memory where I didn’t have any wadders was in 2013, when I barely sewed anything due to having a new-ish baby and a drawn-out major household move. This year, I did sew a lot more, and I did have a few wadders–some due to poor fabric choice, some due to poor pattern choice (for my body), and another just due to flat-out rushing and screwing up little things that I shouldn’t have screwed up. I’ll happily take a handful of wadders, though, if it means that I got to sew a lot more! And I ended up with many more wearable garments than wadders, so that’s a win.

    1. Jenny says:

      So in a way, wadders are a good sign that you’re actually doing more! I like that way of thinking about it…

  5. Robin says:

    Everything looks great from my end. Those are valuable teachable moments through the garments you’ve created. Wear each one with pride.

    1. Jenny says:

      Indeed, lots of learning took place ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. It is such a shame you weren’t happy with your coat as you put in so much work to make it. I do hope your proposed changes do work out ๐Ÿ™‚ I actually really like the Jessica dress on you. I remember when you first posted that you didn’t like it I was surprised. I do agree with you that you do have to love it to wear it as you have so many other lovely outfits. If these are the only disappointments you have from your makes in 2014 you are doing REALLY well. Unfortunately I have only made three things in 2014 that I really love the rest are so so ๐Ÿ™

    1. Jenny says:

      Yeah, the Jessica dress looks a lot better in photos than in person unfortunately, but there you go!

  7. Sara A. says:

    I think I’m in the process of creating one. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve learned not to buy brocade until I’ve gotten much much better because I just cannot tame that dragon. I’m going to buy stock in Shout Color Catchers, because 3 washings later that green dress is still bleeding everywhere and ruining perfectly nice things left and right.

    1. Jenny says:

      Argh, it’s so frustrating when colour runs! You have my full sympathy.

  8. mags says:

    I certainly have a lot more than you! Just made Tilly’s francoise wore it one day and couldn’t bear the high neck, 3 of my Mabel skirts are indecent and me Bellini blouse manages to be shapeless and tight! Oh and there’s the madmen joan wiggle dress which is too big and drowns rather than wiggles!!

    1. Jenny says:

      Ah, now I must say that I didn’t feature my Mabel here but it hasn’t had *much* wear because it has to be made into an outfit very carefully so as not to be rather emphasizing!

  9. tanyamaile says:

    It sounds like your coat will be looking perhaps even more fabulous than you dreamed it would in the first place! ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t know what’s worse — having fabric that doesn’t hold up or a pattern that doesn’t work. At least there are mostly gems amongst the stuff that didn’t turn out right…. I have a few for the year, too, and I think I just made one!

    1. Jenny says:

      Yes, my win: lose ratio is improving, and that’s what matters, right?

  10. seriously, your misses are outstanding. totally get them, but still. GIMMIE. (and apparently, girl charlee has grabby hands too.)

  11. Kat says:

    I can’t wait to see that coat with the fur collar added. I’m sure it will look beautiful

  12. Oh man, I’m so glad to hear you’ve come up with a new plan for the green coat! I really, really, really like it, and I am so hopeful that you’ll find a way to love it, too!

  13. Alessa says:

    I hope your rescue plan for the green coat works out for you! And the Bombshell swimsuit totally wasn’t your fault. It looks great!

  14. Hilary Spacey says:

    I love reading your page!

Let me know what you think!