August 5, 2014

Second chance to win Katy & Laney tap shorts fabric & pattern

Well aren’t you lucky?! The person who won the Katy & Laney tap shorts pattern, anchor print chambray and notions never got back to me about their address so… it’s still up for grabs! All details viewable here. 

Leave a comment below with your email address, and it closes at Wednesday August 6pm midnight EST. You must leave your email address to be eligible to win.

Good luck!

99 thoughts on “Second chance to win Katy & Laney tap shorts fabric & pattern

  1. Kara Johnson says:

    That chambray is schweettt! Count me in! (with no spaces) k t e j 2 2 at

  2. Stacie says:

    No way! Here’s my vote…fingers crossed! stacie L gray at gmail dot com. <3

  3. ceruleanblue says:

    I’m all for second chances! Cerublue73 at gmail dot com

  4. Amanda says:

    Yes please! I would love it! amandarafidiari at gmail dot com

  5. notsewsimple says:

    I love that print so much and I really want to try these shorts!

    louise at fate16 dotcom

  6. Kelly says:

    I love that chambray so much! 0opne0yb at gmail dot com

  7. Krystina says:

    Fingers and toes crossed! krystinajiron at gmail dot com

  8. dottiedoodle says:

    They are perfect shorts – love them! Dottiedoodle at gmail dot com

  9. Beth Holmes says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Beth Holmes says:

    i absolutely love this shorts pattern ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you for the giveaway!

  11. Lindsay says:

    Count me in! lr.woodward at gmail dot com

  12. Tammy Chin says:

    Been dying to try this pattern. t hogue chin at gmail dot com

  13. Heather says:

    Sew cute! Hk dawson at dot com

  14. s. says:

    Second time’s the charm? Fingers crossed!

    1. s. says:

      And my email is sarah0jane at yahoo dot com

  15. debblepebble says:

    Oh YAY, dibdabgirl at hotmail dot com ๐Ÿ˜€

  16. Amber says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Kyrin says:

    Love the little anchors! Karin dot wiredal at hotmail dot com ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Amber says:

    Sorry I keep losing my post! I would give this project a good home! So adorable! Auryn31 at gmail dot com

  19. Elizabeth says:

    Silly person, hope you don’t have to do it again! Elizabethvbradford at gmail dot com

  20. ellinoora says:

    Oh joy, shorts that fit! Elinoora at Gmail dot com ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Mememememememememememememe. Me… jaii_lana at yahoo dot commmm

  22. Love a second chance! noo222 at

  23. How could they pass on this? Hooray for second chances. Sew at jayney . Com

  24. Janet says:

    I would love to have a second chance!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thanks for the opportunity
    solely4blogs (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. rachsews says:

    Ooh, I’d love to make some sweet chambray shorts while the weather is good! I’m

  28. Debbie Iles says:

    Yes please! Debbie dot iles at Hotmail dot com

  29. Tina says:

    I do really want to try that pattern.

  30. MareMare says:

    What a cute pattern and fabric! Thanks for the chance to win! soapsbymaremare @ gmail . com

  31. Megan says:

    Woo hoo – their loss is our (potential) gain ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  32. Erika A says:

    Yep, into it. eearens09 @ ole . augie . edu

  33. gMarie says:

    This would be so fun. gmariesews at gmail dot com

  34. Rox says:

    I’d love to participate! guillemetter at

  35. ginaweaver says:

    I’d love to win! ginaweaver at yahoo .com

  36. Wow, I hope that is never me! I would totally claim this if I won… Quiltsactually at gmail dot com

  37. Carla Keahey says:

    Ooh nice! Carlakeahey at gmail dot com

  38. Megan says:

    Love the fabric, it will make perfect summer shorts. Meconnol at gmail dot com

  39. Laura says:

    Lucky us! These shorts look lovely on everyone in the blog tour, they seem like the perfect pattern.

  40. Here’s hopin…it might work for my DD and even me. : )

  41. Rebekka says:

    Yes please! rebekkahennecke at gmail

  42. C Berry says:

    Ooooh yes please. Love the diagonal seamed version – carolynb101 at gmail dotcom.

  43. These shorts are amazing! silkandstitches at gmail dot com

  44. Honora says:

    I am so in lust over these shorts. It is really ridiculous!

  45. Fantastikat says:

    ohhhh, would love to make these up in the chambray katdouglas (at)

  46. johannamp says:

    Awesome print and cute pattern.

  47. Judi C says:

    This is great! Please add me in!

  48. That print is amazing I would love to make some shorts out of it

  49. yes please love that fabric and it looks great as shorts. sarahwoodhead30 (at) gmail dot com

  50. Sue says:

    Lovely. Perfect for a summer pair of shorts. sue at Gladysb dot Co dot uk

  51. Heather says:

    I love that anchor print!

  52. ~Ruth says:

    Boy do I need a good shorts pattern. Love the print! Thanks for a second chance.

  53. lalieke says:

    Yeah! So nice to have a second chance!

  54. ooh I hope I win these shorts are so cute, graceainsworth @ gmail . com

  55. Flor de Lima says:

    Thanks for the second chance! ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Cathi says:

    I’ll throw my hat in the ring for a second chance. That fabric is just too cute not to!

  57. Cathi says:

    Oops, need an email (sorry the heat here is getting to me I think, or the lack of coffee!) vixen1 at

  58. Charmel says:

    Oh these are cute !! heatheraston23 at gmail dot com

  59. ShanniLoves says:

    I missed the first time around so here goes…

  60. Oh!!! I love both the pattern and fabric!

  61. Jennifer says:

    Hmm, that comment didn’t seem to “take”, so hopefully a second try works?
    jennifer (dot) turnholt (at) gmail (dot) com

  62. This is fab. I truly love the pattern and the fabric. ligeia2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com. Xx

  63. -A says:

    2nd try – letter (dot) scarlett (at) gmail (dot) com I can see many options for tops, very cute.

  64. Jess says:

    Yes please! These are still on my summer wishlist. thecraftyroach[at]gmail[dot]com

  65. I love these! wanderingneedle at gmail dot com

  66. Hoping for an international win; Sexy shorts, here I come!
    Email: nplallist (at) yahoo (.) com

  67. Debra Hewitt says:

    Love these and hope to win. Thanks! debra (at) sunshinehomestudy (dot) org

  68. June says:

    Fantastic, I would love a 2nd chance at those fabulous shorts, (

  69. Evie Jones says:

    Everything crossed here. pendlestitches at gmail dot com

  70. Loved how these turned out for you, would love to try them myself!
    jeri(dot)sullivan at flextronics (dot) com

  71. Geni M says:

    I love second chances! ๐Ÿ˜‰ my email is

  72. I own and fish market and I’m married to a commercial fisherman…. I need this fabric! AmberMae at thefishmongerswife dot net

  73. Deb says:

    Oh, Maybe I will win this time around! gccmom(at)aol(dot)com

  74. would love to make this up for up and coming summer here in Australia ausgirl74 at hotmail dot com

  75. hellopoppy at hotmail dot com dot au
    I loooove these shorts! And thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Me please !! it’s mine miiine !!!!! this lavender field looks like the one in France I love so much biljana(dot)ljepoja(at)gmail(dot)com

  77. sewdiane says:

    Yay!! dianelackey at att dot net

  78. Me pleases! I neeeed some shorts, I neeeed that fabric, and I am generally neeeeddddyyyy! address is

  79. gMarie says:

    This would be so fun. gmariesews at gmail dot com

  80. Eeep, I’m super excited about this, I missed it last time round and I adore both the fabric and the pattern ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Rose says:

    Thank you for the opportunity m3s0ra at gmail dot com (please replace the 3 with an e and the 0 with an o in my email address).


    Rose in SV

  82. Sue says:

    How exciting! (seshurtleff at Hotmail dot com) Thanks!

  83. Sewfish says:

    I have to admit that I have not worn shorts in years due to my self-consciousness as I gained weight struggling with PCOS. However, I have made some strides in taking back my self-love and respect recently – I started wearing sleeveless dresses (without the frumpy cardigans) to work events. I would like to add back shorts to my rotation. Kudos to all women who celebrate their style, and shapeliness! (

  84. Screw it, let’s be twins. I haven’t worn non-athletic shorts since I was 13. I have no idea why, actually—I like my legs well enough—but still. I’m seamripped at gmail dot com.

  85. Heidi Potter says:

    Would live to try these. heidicpotter at gmail dot com. Thanks for the second chance.

  86. fedora freestone says:

    i would love to use this material it looks super.

Let me know what you think!