After a somewhat abortive beginners sewing class last year (which did at least teach me how to thread my machine, and most importantly introduced me to the ever-so-lovely and stupidly talented Kate McElwee, I set about what I hoped would be a rewarding but not too challenging project: making new bed linen. This is particularly close to the hearts of expats such as we Cashemerettes, who have broken many a sweat attempting to find duvet covers of which Brits are so fond, but Americans, apparently less so.
A quick trip into the Aberdeen branch of John Lewis at Christmas (yes, this is transatlantic bedlinen, no less), and I acquired some utterly jolly baby blue and pale brown fabric from Amy Butler and half a suitcase full of extra-wide sheeting. A little bit of home design, and voila! Some not-half-bad bed linen. Best of all, because it’s so darn large you can’t really see if the seams are straight (I haven’t checked, myself), and to top it all off when I go to bed I get to feel very smug. What more could one want?
Next up: a top-secret project which cannot be revealed until a future date….